See, I told you this was a multi-post event. Any baby reaching the one-year milestone is huge. But having multiples, I think hitting that year mark is a reason to run to the top of a mountain screaming "I SURVIVED! WE ALL SURVIVED". The first year with twins (and a 3-year-old) was nothing short of amazing, but had some seriously challenging and difficult times. Times I thought I would never in my life feel normal again. In fact, for a long time, I forgot what normal was. Realistically, life just has a new normal. and is constantly changing.
I asked Parker "how old are you?" and this is what my "premie" did:
Did you count those photos? Yes, seven. Why, because that is how excited I was for my sweet baby to tell me how old he had turned.
Then, there is this guy.
This man is in. to. EVERYTHING.
I'm not even kidding. He finds wires behind the entertainment center. He finds the vents on the floor, pulls them out, and tries to pick apart the carpet padding while I am sitting right there changing his less adventurous half.
These two put me in check. They make me reevaluate who I am as a mother about a hundred times a day. All three of my kids keep me grounded, and focused and proud. and most of all, happy.
They love each other. They laugh, and play, pull and smooch. They look at each other with looks I never see given to anyone else. How amazing is that?
As for where they are... babies, you have come so far from this:
And from the first time I saw you:
I knew you would make our family so. much. better.
Getting to the meat and potatoes here, let's get a rundown of these two, shall we?
Born December 13, 2010 5:58 am 5 lbs 10 oz
Today, December 14, 2011
21 lbs 5 oz 30%
Height 29.5 in 50%
Head 48 cm 90%
*Sleeps about 4-8 hour stretches at night... on a good night. On a bad night, it's bad.
*Eats EVERYTHING. Put anything in front of this kid and he hoovers it. Nothing is safe with his paws in reach. Speaking of, he self-feeds something fierce.
*Not such a fan of the sippy cup, bottle, cup or anything unless it is a boob.
*Wears 12-18 month clothing, mostly, and size 4 diapers.
*Coop man loves to eat, play with blocks, cruise along everything, stroller rides, snuggling, laughing at his brothers, being held, listening to music, dancing, head rubs, bathtime, cackling like a mischievous scoundrel, shaking his head no, and smooches.
*Cooper is holding steady at saying mama and dada
Born December 13, 2010 6:06 am 4 lbs 10 oz
Today, December 14, 2011
18 lbs .6 oz <5%
Height 29 in 40%
Head 45cm 25%
My peanut.
*Sleeps about 4-8 hour stretches at night, generally the better sleeper of the two youngest members of this family. But alas... on a bad night, it's bad.
*Pretty indifferent about eating. He likes to be fed, and would be perfectly content on purees and puffs. And boob. Actually, scratch the purees, I think he would be almost entirely content on boob alone. But, when being fed food, he will eat most things, but not in much quanity, and if I had to pick a favorite I believe he likes yogurt and sweet potato the best.
*Refuses, DOWNRIGHT REFUSES the sippy cup and bottle. Nada. Doesn't self-feed yet either, although his pincer grasp is perfecto. Translate = kid likes to be pampered :)
*Wears solid 12 month clothes, some a little baggy.
*Parker loves to hug, steal toys, play with the remote, talk on Mommy's iPhone, scream when he doesn't get what he wants, and be fed like the little Prince that he is.
*Parker is our little talker - he says Mama, Dada, Eliza, Logan, Cooper, stinky, thank you, bye, hi, and (bless his heart) love you :)
On to year two. I can't wait to see what this next year brings.