Sunday, February 12, 2012

Parker-friendly treats

Since my wee little guy says no to eggs, (more on that here) I have decided to start testing out cooking and baking foods that would normally require eggs with egg substitute.  While researching, I found that flax powder mixed with water can pretty much serve as an egg substitute in most baked goods. Score! Healthy, full of Omega-3's and good for the heart.

We love a good banana bread in this house, so when I found a vegan recipe for banana bread, I did a little tweaking and made it today. As you can see, it was a huge hit. The loaf is half gone already.

Recipe (with my modifications): 

2 cups Whole Wheat Flour
1 cup mashed banana
1 cup unsweetend applesauce
1tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp cinnamon
handful of raisins (or you could use dates, nuts, dried fruits, etc)
2 tbsp flax seed powder with 6 tbsp water (mixed and let sit for 2 minutes)

Preheat oven to 350

Mix flax with water and set aside. Mix applesauce and banana in a separate bowl and set aside. In large bowl mix all of the dry ingredients. Add flax mixture, and banana/applesauce mixture and pour in greased loaf pan. Bake until knife comes out clean (probably between 35-50 min). Resist urge to add more liquid or over mix. The mixture will be thick.  

Egg-free, milk free, sugar free and oil free. 

This bread came out super flavorful, not at all dry, and tastes amazing with a touch of butter or even some jam. Yuuuuuummmm. And my little Parker? lip-smackin' egg-free goodness to that little guy!


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