or, "where'd she go?". Or "where'd it go?". This is Parker's singular sentence that he says pretty much all day long. In any instance, this little sentence seems to fit, and he looks up at me with those bright blue eyes with such sincerity, since, he seriously would like an answer.
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Friday, July 6, 2012
Boys of Summer
Considering the Twinkies are approaching 19-months-old (and the fact that I have been updating the blog about once a month lately - oops), I figured it were high time I did some writing.
The fact is, between T-ball, swimming lessons, summer, grilling, photo shoots, editing, laundry, editing, toddler-chasing, editing, and weddings I have just not had much uninterrupted time for writing. I have a running list of notes in my head. Lucky, Instagram has been chronicling the life of my family lately.
Logan has been spending his summer days hanging out here with us. He will, no doubt, be excited to start preschool again in the fall, but for now, I am enjoying the slower pace of our days just lounging and not rushing back and forth to Montessori.

The fact is, between T-ball, swimming lessons, summer, grilling, photo shoots, editing, laundry, editing, toddler-chasing, editing, and weddings I have just not had much uninterrupted time for writing. I have a running list of notes in my head. Lucky, Instagram has been chronicling the life of my family lately.
Logan has been spending his summer days hanging out here with us. He will, no doubt, be excited to start preschool again in the fall, but for now, I am enjoying the slower pace of our days just lounging and not rushing back and forth to Montessori.
Watching sign language
Getting ready to play Sequence
Cooper snoozing
Parker Snoozing
A few days ago the boys went through a medical phase. This doctor's kit got plenty of playtime!
We've spent many a day in jammies lately.
Plus, it has been about 387 degrees outside. We try to enjoy the water as much as possible, and Logan especially has been enjoying swim lessons. He is improving drastically and soon will grow gills, I am sure.
And for good measure, some cuties in the tub.
Mama got a new camera, so I tested it out. This one is a little blurry, but I don't care. I love his face.
And this face.
Even this face.
Oh, we have reached maximum toddler-meltdown.
I would have posted photos of Parker but he was far too elusive during the complete meltdown of his brother.
We visited my family in Wisconsin and got to spend the day with my niece Ellie! She has a very serious look about her, but she is sweet as pie.
And for real this is the best group photo we got. Pathetic! Parker looks as though he is ready to slay me with an organic baby mum mum.
This is Logan's salute-to-starting-summer-photo on his last day of school.
Summer. What it should be:
T-Ball watching
Hot days playing dollhouse cars.
Baking zucchini muffins.
Sunset walks with Mommy.
Riding in "The Coupe".
If only everyone had a twin...
Playing outside with friends.
Being silly.
Being brothers.
In other news, we discovered that Parker is allergic to dogs. Sadly, this means that our first "baby" Wrigley will be living with a wonderful new friend named Anne who will take excellent care of him and love him up like crazy. She even brought him gourmet doggy treats.
A few weeks back while Grandma was visiting, she discovered one of the vendors at the Farmer's Market has the most amazing honey lemonade ever. It is worth the hassle of finding parking downtown just for a single glass of this goodness.
Well look at that, more doctoring. This time Logan is trimming Cooper's toenails, which is ironic considering Logan thrashes like an angered shark when I go near his toes with the baby trimmers. Also note: more pajamas.
We have made some yummy lunches this month. Wraps filled with avocado and kohlrabi, rhubarb chutney, delicious salads with produce from our CSA boxes and our garden, and lots of creativity.
Checking out the Jazz Fest in Iowa City during the 5000 degree weather we have had this month.
This is Parker's new stance. Gripped onto me as tightly as possible.
And... meet the sweat-brother's on the 4th of July. To say it was hot is an understatement.
Logan, of course, loved it. He did a lot of dancing and waving. And candy catching, of course!
Parker and Cooper are learning the art of, well, ART! They enjoy coloring and actually totally get the concept.
After an afternoon of coloring and napping, we met some friends at a location-not-to-be-named-as-we-will-not-want-to-share-it-with-crowds-next-summer for fireworks. Now, note that the photo below is an iphone photo (read: not good), but I included it here because we watched this gigantic orange moon rise above the trees. The best part about this photo is the reflection of the moon in the water.
Mostly, though, our days have been spent doing this.
And this.
And this.
And, best of all, this.
Now for the STATS:
Logan: Age 4
(*cough* the following stats are from February 2nd. Oops)
Height: 3'4 3/4" 60%
Weight: 39.9 lbs 75%
Logan can count to 100, and is learning to read sight-word books. He can write all of the letters of the alphabet (uppercase and lowercase). He loves to draw, color, paint, work with playdoh, ride his trike, play with the neighbor boys, eat ice cream, water the garden, run, go to the park, play with his brothers, help mom cook dinner, watch movies, work on puzzles, and learn tons of new stuff.
Cooper: Age 18 Months
Height: 32 1/8in 70%
Weight: 25.5 lbs 48%
Head: 19 1/4in 92% (boy with the large noggin)
Cooper loves to laugh, run, eat everything, climb everything, hug, smooch, play in the bathtub, eat sidewalk chalk, snuggle with his blanket, and play with trains and trucks. He loves books. He loves to color, and yell, and dance. He loves his brothers. He eats EVERYTHING. He loves every single vegetable he is given. This last month his verbal skills have exploded. He knows about 6 signs that he uses frequently, and has started talking so much! I am so proud of my little "premie". We have been followed by Early Intervention (who are absolutely and amazingly fantastic, by the way) just as a proactive measure and I am looking forward to our appointment next week so I can give the list of words my Coop-man can say: Ball, more, uh-oh, mama, dada, "love you", "thank you", cracker, banana, out, shoes, and NO! (ha)
Parker: Age 18 months
Height: 31.5in 25%
Weight: 21.7lbs 6% (my little peanut)
Head: 18.5 in 25%
Parker, more than anything in the world, loves to laugh. He loves to cuddle, and snuggle, and cuddle some more. He will smile at anyone, and loves to wave hi and bye. He loves animals, trucks, and dancing! He loves to run, loves to take baths, and loves to throw his cup and his food on the floor. He is a great eater and is becoming so much more adventurous with his food choices. He loves anything I bake for him, he loves fruit and almond butter and crackers. He loves books. He loves his brothers. He loves sleeping in the exact same corner of his crib, closest to his twin, with his tush up in the air and his arms tucked underneath him. Parker also has a great list of words: Me, mama, dada, uh-oh, shoe, outside, "thank you", more, banana, cracker, eat, and various animal sounds.
Both boys are really showing their personalities. Parker is much more social, and gentle. Cooper is much more reserved, almost cynical. They have a laugh that they share only between the two of them, and then they look at big brother Logan with such amazement. The times that life is calm and the three are playing sweetly together, while infrequent, are absolutely amazing. Like take-my-breath-away awesome. Then Parker steals Logan's toy, and Logan yells, and Cooper bites Parker, and Parker cries, then Cooper cries, and yea... that's my day. But I have moments like this:
And it provides so much balance.
Brian and I get asked all the time "How do you do it?" Not really sure how to ever answer this question. What I do know is that my husband is amazing. He is the best father I could have ever dreamed of for my children, and really pulls every ounce of weight when it comes to parenting. Although, his housekeeping skills leave much to be desired, I don't care. (HEAR THAT BRIAN MCGOWAN!). Your awesome fathering makes up for it. And when I get home from being out for a while, and our three boys greet me at the door clapping and cheering (yea, that happens, and it's awesome), I know that you provide for them in ways that I am lacking, and in my heart I know that this is of great importance.
Would you think I am crazy if I said I wanted another baby?
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